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It s because of work. Jiang Xi said in a low voice. Zhao Xueling s words reminded Fan Sitong. I remember that your boss Liang often asked you to treat our dormitory to eat, right Fan Sitong asked.

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Think about it, whose only daughter got married, and her parents were not present and had no involvement at all.

This time, the feud between the Gong family and the Lancaster family has become thicker. When Xiao Nian was thinking about it, Gong Yu was still talking over there, This Bogle is addicted to killing. He has never done anything else since he was a child. He has only done one thing. How can he torture a person to death Looking for a sense of excitement from this, he even tortured and killed his wife Shi Xiaonian felt even more nauseated after hearing this.

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So, the child s biological mother appears, then I still What are you doing there Jiang Xi looked at Chen Feiyan, who smiled bitterly.

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Just love him. If the feelings he gives are impurities, then it s okay not to, right Chen Feiyan s words opened a way for Jiang Xi.

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He is always so confident. Shi Xiaonian shook her head, too lazy to talk to him. Her hand was taken by Gong Ou, who pulled her towards the beach. Let s go to the beach for a walk. Yeah. Shi Xiaonian agreed happily and followed Gong Ou. Oh leaves. The sea water surged up to Is Cbd Oil Safe For Nursing Mothers the coast, it was extremely calm, the calls of seabirds were like a piece of music, the ghost side effects of cbd gummies for humans was moving, the sea breeze gently blew through the hair of the two people, Shi Xiaonian cbd gummies pregnancy reddit accompanied Gong Ou on the beach step by step.

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When he went to Jiang Xi like this, he was afraid that Jiang Xi would be raped.

How can you have the nerve to come over After saying that, Su Yaoyao turned around and ran away, her eyes Always red. Yeah, I don t have the nerve to come here. Feng De gave a self deprecating smile. He looked at Shi Xiaonian and said, But I just came to take How To Use Cbd Oil On Wrinkles a look, just one look. As long as she is still alive, let me atone for any sins. Either way Shi Xiaonian was silent.

If I stay any longer, I m afraid my heart won t be able to bear it. As she said that, Yuli raised her eyes and looked outside the door, clearly seeing the grass. The music was far away from here, but she could still hear the joy in it. The music was played for Gong Yu and his marriage partner, piercing her heart like sharp knives.

Gong. Okay, Master. Mr. Gong took the bag and waited there quietly, Master, what else do you need from me Just stand there and help me carry the bag. I will go to the hospital later. Bob. Shi Xiaonian said, putting the cakes in his hand into the box one by one and packaging them carefully.

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Okay, I will consider it Gong Ou was shaken by Gong Kui and frowned. Yeah Gong Kui jumped up with joy, a hint of cunning flashed in her eyes. It turns out that what she said about happiness was all foreshadowing. Gong Kui and Gong Yao have completely different personalities, but they are mother nature cbd gummies shark tank also very smart, but they don t need to be used in studying.

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I hope I can call you Mom Chen in the future. Are you willing Chen Feiyan hugged a big Holding red roses, smiling through tears.

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It was impossible to do this before, but he has lived with me for the past four years, so he is an atypical housekeeper now. Shi Xiaonian said, Feng De must have heard later that Gong Ou was going to take her to gamble.

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That will look good. Li Fuzhou volunteered. Okay, take some more pictures for us. Jiang Xi handed the phone to Li Fuzhou.

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Oh, okay. Yes. Shi Xiaonian accepted the lesson humbly, twitching the corners of his lips, and then couldn t help but laugh, I feel like I m not myself anymore. She was not Shi Xiaonian. Gong Ou is no longer a palace. Come, follow me, Mrs. Gong.

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Jiang s mother looked unhappy throughout the whole process, but Jiang s father looked a little better.

Sheng Jianian nodded, Okay, I ll try my best to change it in the future, okay, don t be angry.

He staggered and fell directly on the bed. Before Shi Xiaonian said anything, Gong Ou s head rested on the plumpness of her chest. Before she had time to say anything, Gong Ou suddenly raised his face and looked at her with hazy eyes.

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Then where will she go Could it be at a nearby hotel By the way, fourth uncle, could it be at her colleague s place She d better Isn t my friend a college roommate named Chen Maybe she is with a friend Sheng Jianglai said suddenly.

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I thought so. But after getting along with me, I found out that he only took care of me as a student and the junior who gave birth to me that night, nothing more.

Wen Qinyan subconsciously turned his head to look at the man who was speaking.

How could there be gunshots Will something happen to Gong Ou In the darkness, her face was already pale, without any blood. Master, Mr. Gong asked you to stay. Mr. Gong blocked her way with his burly and hard body.

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