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It is really despicable. Already Look, what did this young master say As expected, he was called, Shadow Leader, tsk tsk Fang Zheng wrinkled his face as if he had swallowed a fly, coughed twice, and asked tentatively Brother Xiao, could it be Sent by His Highness the Crown Prince Xiao Huaiyuan shook his head and said with a wry smile Brother Fang, I can t say, but Xiao can tell you that you and I are friends, not enemies.

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Go ahead and don t dirty my palace. Tu Cheng said coldly. Yes. The chief of guard took the order and retreated from the inner hall, and then committed suicide directly outside the hall door.

Otherwise, once Pan Shangshu shows up, the military power will be in his hands. something bad happened The emperor was somewhat satisfied with Fang Zheng s opinion. He nodded with a smile and said, It s not like you were an official in vain. You do have some insight. It is true that Pan Shangshu cannot be caught now.

After everyone looked at each other, they couldn t help but feel extremely ashamed. At the same time, Master Fang s clever calculation made the prophet even more impressed. Fang Zheng certainly didn t expect that his momentary nonsense would actually win the true respect of his subordinates. This was really an unexpected gain. At this time, Fang Zheng himself felt ashamed.

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Judging from the situation, the two people in the room were about to start having sex. Fang Zheng and Brother Xiao unconsciously stopped again, and then asked each other with their eyes. Listen to it again It s not too good, right It s boring anyway. Okay, let s listen to it. The two of them didn t say a word, but they communicated with each other very tacitly through their eyes, which made Fang Zheng feel very happy.

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He sat down on the bench and took out the photo and placed it on his lap. This is a picture of animals Fortunately, Ye Tian is now strong enough to crush Xiao Hang, so it is not difficult for Ye Tian to defeat him and seal him.

You kid didn t come here to drink with me this time, right You want to see Zhi er dance. Uncle Qin then laughed and scolded. Ye Tian could only touch the back of his head with a smile on his face, Hey, actually, I came here because of something, and I want to trouble Uncle Qin.

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The four factions in the court gradually took shape. The prince s faction, the so called conservative officials of the Qing Dynasty, headed by Wei Chengde, himself and the fat man were one faction, and Those newly added officials are in another group Look at how chaotic this thing is, Fang Zheng s head is getting bigger for several times.

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Ye Tian was not in a hurry to rush there, he just enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the road and walked happily.

As long as If anyone dares to approach, my spear will definitely smash his head. Thank you very much. Ye Tian smiled slightly and then quickly walked into the house.

Under the bright lights, it looked extremely terrifying. Lin Qingshan was frightened and did not dare to say another word, but he was relieved in his heart. It seemed that Pan Shangshu was persuaded by him. Pan Shangshu didn t know these truths, but he was in a high position and had been unable to help himself for many years.

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Without chaos, how can a hero emerge If there is no chaos in this sea of monsters, how can his Yin Yang Temple stand out in the future Therefore, the harder these three parties fight, the better, Ye Tian likes to see it.

Fang Zheng spread his hands innocently, I can t help you if you don t accept it. Don t talk about you, even I don t accept it. I m being pushed to the top. If you have any objections, please tell your boss. Those who had opinions immediately stood up. Master, I, Hu Laosan, don t accept it A middle aged man stood out from the crowd.

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As the saying goes, famous teachers give birth to great disciples. With a famous teacher like Uncle Qin, even if Qin Lieyi is not a divine beast, but just an ordinary monster, I m afraid he won t be that weak.

Then he thought that since she didn t admit it personally, everything was just speculation. It would be too much to just speculate on it. After passing the teacher, there is no name. Helplessly, he clenched his fists and glared at Sister Feng hatefully. Chang Ping gritted his teeth and said, Then do you like her He glanced at Fang Fei s charming and stunning Sister Feng secretly, and then looked at Sister Feng who was very angry.

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What he wants is to muddy the water and disrupt the sea of monsters. Only in this way can he have a chance to solve the matter at hand without knowing Uncle Qin.

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Fang Zheng took out a memorial from his sleeve, unfolded it in front of the ministers, and read it word for word The minor minister s charge of impeaching Pan Wenyuan contains ten crimes. One, deceiving the emperor and neglecting his superiors, two, framing Zhongliang, three, being greedy and accepting bribes, four, forming a party for personal gain, five, plotting evil Each of the charges pointed to the numerous evil deeds Pan Shangshu had committed over the years, and the civil and military officials in the court looked at them in shock.

Pulling out the summons token, Ye Tian s expression was cold and his voice was cold Zixuan, bring someone here.

I have done so much for the Chinese Dynasty. but he was still ruthlessly treated as an abandoned son by the emperor, and was thrown away at the drop of a hat. Your Highness, ask yourself, are you, the royal family, treating me fairly Pan Shangshu said a lot in one breath, panting slightly, but the prince did not say a word.

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If he wants the position of the master of the palace, he has to weigh his own weight. Otherwise, he will be nothing more than a clown. Ye Tian said So you all understand, right This kind of little trick is just a child s play.

One Ring, with Fang Zheng s outgoing personality, must work hard to win over him. The two of them laughed and chatted together. Wen Sen felt honored to receive this courtesy and repeatedly expressed his willingness to Fang Zheng.

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Ye Tian said with a smile while pouring wine for Uncle Qin and himself. Uncle Qin, if you have this opportunity today, can you tell me these things so that I can be mentally prepared in the future In addition, I actually have one more thing that I want to forget about.

When Ye Tian was in the Yin Yang Palace, he killed a master in the early stages of divine transformation with just one move.

Zhu Xian smiled honestly and looked like he was indifferent to the world. Xia Xian said The strongest is because Yin Yi has surpassed his strength.

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A group of people are running together. The target is too big. The rebels in the city will definitely chase and intercept them when they see it. The chance of everyone s survival will be very slim. Of course, the biggest reason is that Fang Zheng thinks that if he is alone, he may have a greater chance of running out of the city.

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But at this moment, he really felt this way. The word beautiful cannot be used to describe it at all.

Amidst the long white snow, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the Kunlun Mountain Gate. It was Ye Tian who had arrived at Kunlun Mountain in less than a minute.

After thinking for a long time, Fang Zheng finally thought of it, yes, help them sort out their military appearance and discipline. Then Fang Zheng walked up to them and helped them organize their military appearance one by one.

This kind of lightning control technique opened Ye Tian s eyes. If this magical power were used in actual combat, Ye Tian could almost imagine the lethality.

Do you think I was wronged Everyone showed sympathy. I haven t asked you yet, why are you bringing so many people here Fang Zheng chuckled and said What, on the order of your father, you have to renovate the brothel The fat man said angrily You are renovating yours, but I am messing with you by sleeping vitalizene 1 hr male enhancement How Can I Increase My Libido Female with a girl on the boat Look at what happened to me, how miserable it was Also, I was drowsy just now and felt like someone was blowing air on my mouth.

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After leaving the room, Wen Sen was respectfully standing outside the door waiting for him. Fang Zheng became angry when he saw him How did you get the information After probing here and there, why didn t you find out whether Zhao Hu would rebel What are you doing for food Wen Sen exclaimed Sir, all my subordinates have tried their best.

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