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Hearing this,, Song Ziyu couldn t help but sigh. Thinking back to the last time I had a drink with the old man, what Mr.

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Song Ziyu bit her lip and said, I m thirty eight years old and still have no heirs Isn t it normal Hearing this The atmosphere in the study seemed to become solemn in an instant.

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There are rumors that a school director asked for Song Ziyu to be expelled from school Song Ziyu was obviously belatedly aware of the school s reaction.

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Then what should we do Gongsun Wan er asked. Wait and wait and see what happens Song Ziyu gritted his teeth and said.

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It won t end well. Lawyer Zhou nodded confidently Boss, don t worry I will definitely handle it beautifully for you A satisfied smile appeared on Wu Changqing s face.

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What Mu Qianchu lowered his eyes and stared at her face reflected in the light.

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Song Ziyu said quickly You haven t eaten yet, right Let s have a drink at the tavern at the school gate How do you know I haven t eaten Just wait for me Guan Shaobai agreed.

Shi Xiaonian stood in front of Gong Ou, her eyelashes flickered and her lips turned white.

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I m not When Xiao Nian was about to explain, Mu Qianchu stepped forward, looked at her and said, The photo taken this way may not be good looking.

This is mine, not yours. Gong Ou said with a lollipop in his mouth, and raised his eyebrows at Xiaokui.

Every word he spoke was like a sharp knife cutting through her body and across her bones.

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The skirt was embroidered with small pieces of embroidery. The embroidery was exquisite and elegant, like flying flowers into the bamboo forest.

Xi is not very satisfied with your recent work efficiency. Dr. Eyebrows bent down and took the wine glass from his hand. Mu Qianchu leaned on the sofa, raised his eyes and glanced at him coldly, Are you delivering a message for Mr.

Shi Xiaonian was happy and quiet, playing with a beautiful golden candy in her hand.

Wu Changqing was not the only one who had the final say on the Wu family consortium.

For Xi Yu, even if he has passed away, Gong Ou still feels uncomfortable.

When his hands were free, Shi Xiaonian immediately rubbed his wrists, but did not eat.

No, why not One of you go get me the medical kit, hurry up No. See, is my mother s love hurt Shi Xiaonian shouted to the group of people at the door.

If you want me to get engaged, I will get engaged today. I It was ordered for you, so I want to ask, Shi Xiaonian, are you satisfied The word satisfied was emphasized by him.

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But young master Today is a good day for my engagement, are you going to ruin it Gong Ou glared at Feng De sullenly, speaking each word from his thin lips.

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Xiao Song, haven t you had a drink Mr. Chen asked. Song Ziyu said How can I I m not joking with you Then you don t know how to smoke white noodles, right Normal people shouldn t have such a serious disease.

He did not wait outside and walk around anxiously like this man. He had never experienced that anxious feeling.

This scene really shocked many people Song Ziyu didn t think much and rushed forward with the knife in hand.

Gong may also be nervous. The assistant comforted Mona. nervous Will Gong Ou be nervous about getting engaged to her Mona stood at the window, holding the phone in both hands, her eyes moving slightly, why at this moment, her heart began to feel uneasy.

Combined with the raging construction work in the entire settlement and the powerful armed forces, Su Zhen has been shocked beyond measure How is this done Su Zhen couldn t figure it out.

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